Online compatible : Yes - As long as the students understand the objective of collecting all four of the letters at the bottom of the page, this game works very well in online classes for younger learners. In my own experience, allowing students the freedom to ask whoever they wished on the opposing team was very well-received, but make sure that students don't only ask the same person repeatedly, because it spoils the fun for the rest of the class.
Age group : Best played with students aged between 6 to 9
Materials :
Preparation time : Time taken to print each team copies of Appendix E
Number of players : Works equally well in groups as in private classes
Objective : To be the first team to cross out all letters
Instructions :
Split the whiteboard into 4 squares and use the squares to assign a letter from A to D to 4 flashcards. Write the letter A in the first square and use tape to stick one of your flashcards to it. Do the same with B,C, and D and flashcards for the other 3 squares. Split the class into teams. Hand a printed copy of Appendix E to each team. Teams secretly fill each box of the appendix randomly with four of the letters A,B,C, and D. Make sure students don't see other teams' sheets. At each turn, a student from a team will attack by identifying the team they are targeting, and stating a grid coordinate of the sheet, such as “B2”. The opposing team finds that coordinate in their own bingo sheet and replies by saying the vocabulary corresponding to that letter from the board. If the letter has yet to be crossed out from the bottom of the attacking teams bingo sheet, they may cross it out. If it has already been crossed out, it is an unsuccessful attack. The game is won by the first team to successfully cross out all of the letters from bottom of their bingo sheet wins the game.