The Magical self-righting egg craft

Check out the Etori English and Crafts with Sachiko Sensei at :

Decorating Easter eggs is a craft that is ideal for teaching students who are learning English as a second language about traditions and culture of Western countries. Obviously for online classes sending real eggs to your students in the post is a recipe for disaster, but polystyrene eggs can be bought online and at craft shops, and for an added sense of magic, why not turn these eggs into 'Magical self-righting eggs'? In the video above I demonstrate how to make your own 'Magical self-righting eggs' to decorate together with your students in online and offline classes.

Materials for making the eggs before the lesson :

  • Polystyrene eggs

  • Strong glue

  • Marbles

  • Water-based or acrylic paint

Tools for assembling the eggs before the lesson :

  • A saw or craft knife for cutting the eggs

  • A paint brush for painting the eggs with a base coat

  • A small chisel for removing the inside of the eggs (although for safety this can be done with your bare hands)

Equipment that students will need to prepare for the lesson :

  • Pens to decorate their eggs

Usually lessons focus on targets set by textbooks, but doing crafts in class is a good opportunity to go outside of the books and discuss topics that are closer to students hearts. Below are a few a short clip from some of our online Easter egg craft lessons.